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It is possible to forgive someone of a wrong they refuse to admit to because forgiveness is something that happens within yourself. How? By simply letting the issue go. You could say (whether to him or just to yourself), "I forgive you for cheating on me. I forgive you for keeping it a secret. I forgive you for denying your wrongdoing. I forgive you and I will not hold it against you any longer." Then move on. True forgiveness brings freedom and rest to the forgiver, regardless of how the forgiven one reacts.

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Q: How do you forgive a spouse who will not admit to any wrong when they carried on a secret relationship for two years and you found out by looking at cellphone and emails Friends say it was an affair?
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Yes you can. Forgiveness is part of every true relationship.

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this has happened to almost every one on this planet, we are only human, so yes, we have flaws, and hopefully our friends will forgive us if need be.

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