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Women understand women but men have a difficult time trying to understand our emotions. They're much as we try, we just can't keep them under control all the time. Part of that is sometimes reading more into a situation than we should. Women would love it if other people could read our minds and sense our emotions so we wouldn't have to try to explain them. Of course, that's impossible. What happens, then, is that this whirlwind of thoughts sometimes gets to be a fairly powerful force, turning us from being at ease and confident to being tangled up in all the "what ifs" that make up life. We actually are searching for ways to say what we want to say without sounding mean or angry but it backfires and instead, we think up situations that justify our emotions going out of control. There's some really odd logic to that; we subconsciously know the situation isn't what we're communicating it to be but we keep doing it, thinking that if we create enough tension, we'll finally purge ourselves of the tangled thoughts we have going on.

A wise person will let the situation just have a little life of its own, let some time pass without making it worse, and let the woman know that she is being understood (even if she isn't). Honestly, it will usually just go away on its own without any further discussion. But if it's escalated to a true argument, watch out...that situation that she created by reading more into something than she should will become an all-out brawl. That's an "Uh-oh" moment...

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