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if someone is being mean to you say you hate them

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Q: How do you define abuse i fight back and get physical to?
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Is abuse right?

NO!!!!!!!!!! abuse, is not right! if your are abused, like i am, ran away! dont take it! ran away or fight back! or call the police. please help us fight abuse

What is the point of animal abuse?

there is no point to animal abuse because if you end up abusing an animal it will at one point or another fight back and hurt someone.

What are the physical signs for abuse?

Some signs of abuse are Bruises on the back, the back of your legs and arms, and the inside of your upper arms. Also, be careful if a child has marks on them and won't tell you where they're from.

How do you define forgiveness?

Forgiveness is the renunciation of your right to punish or fight back against a person who has done you wrong and the granting of pardon and reconciliation.

How can someone overcome steroid abuse?

The physical effects cannot be reversed, so they can not be changed back to how they were before the abuse. As for the psychological damage that it can do, talk therapy, such as psychoanalysis is something that might help.

Why do people abuse pets?

I think people abuse their pets because they feel out powered by others or they feel not in charge/ control so they take their anger out on the pet because it will not fight back or yell help.

How can physical bullying start?

When the person being bullied trys to fight them back the bully results to violence.

Did lil flip and TI fight?

Yes, T.I. & Lil Flip got into a physical fight a few years back in Lil Flips hometown of Houston, Texas.

Do you have to return your son from visitation if you believe he is being abused?

Do you have the option of getting him into counseling? If not, does he have physical signs of abuse, or are you noticing that he is emotionally different from his normal self? If signs of physical abuse are showing, take him to the hospital and call police and report it. He should not have to go back but laws are different in different places.

Did Christina Aguilera's father abuse her when she was little?

Yes. Her mother received the brunt of the abuse (both verbal and physical), but when Christina Aguilera's father, Fausto, began to abuse the children as well, Aguilera's mother filed for divorce. Songs about the abuse can be heard on Stripped on "I'm OK" and Back to Basics on "Oh Mother." Hope this helps! ;)

When was Fight Back created?

Fight Back was created in 1980.

When can you legally and phyisically fight back if intimidated or pushed?

If you are pushed then u can fight back. If you are being intimidated and you feel you are in danger then you can fight back.