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you should still be friends with them but you should find other friends in the meantime, just in case. ;) Well, everybody changes. Nobody is really the same everyday. One day, you might like this one band or something, and then the next, like another. If you were a TRUE friend, you would accept this change and not think differently about your best friend, because best friends don't care if they change, because their friendship is stronger than looks or different thoughts. You shouldn't care if they change, if it makes them happy, and it won't harm them in any way. I'm sure it might shake you a little, but you'll get used to change after a while. Besides, change can be good at times. It gives a "uniqueness" to the person. AND, I'm sure they won't think of you any differently but a TRUE best friend, because you accepted them and made them feel good about changing a few things here and there. Again, there's nothing wrong with changing, it's just what people do if they get bored and want to freshen things up a bit. It's normal!

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