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get rid of him

well ye get rid of him that's one or get some marrage counciling or something

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Q: How do you deal with a married man who is selfish toward?
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If a married man gets caught having an affair knows he was selfish and hates himself 4 it would he ever get over it and if so how long would it take?

Will this married man get over it?..yes he will no doubt about it. When married men do have an affair, who they are is selfish. If he is not selfish, why would he think of crossing the path of affair, knowing that his hurting his wife and maybe his kids. There are two things that married men have selfish is one of them. Second is his needs. Do you think if this married man is getting what he wanted from his wife, he will get out of his way to find another woman's friend? But when it comes to feeling hatred, I think not because they are man. Maybe they will feel bad and he might hate himself for what he did, but that will only last a few days because he got caught.

What do you call a man who is cheating on his wife and his mistress too?

ANSWER: Gosh this is sad, and a bit out of this world. The only way you can describe this married man is " a man without no soul" and very selfish...

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What if a married man has an affair with a divorced woman?

If a married man has an affair with a divorced woman, then the woman that is married to the man is getting an unfair deal, marriage is a commitment promising you will only dedicate yourself to that one person, so by him doing this it makes their marriage void and meaningless.

What if a married man got his wife and his mistress pregnant at the same time how to deal with it?

Tell them both what you did and get delt with.

A man is in a relationship with the married women should he end the relationship?

Well, how would you feel if you were married and your wife was having an extramarital relationship? The answer is 'yes', he should end the relationship.... the husband got her first, and he can't be so selfish as to take her away from the other man. She married the other man, she has to live with him - whether or not she loves him. The other guy has no part in the relationship, and should get out of it.

Should you talk to a married man?

No. Getting involved with a married man is selfish on both the married man and whoever he cheats with parts. The married man is being selfish because instead of working on improving his marriage he is risking it all to be with someone else. Remember, honesty is the best policy. Also, the person he is getting involved with shares the fault. Nobody should ever cause the pain that affairs do. People need to stop thinking only of their selfish wants and remember that a married couple includes two, living beating hearts that are capable of feeling pain and embarrassment. It is very wrong to get involved with any married person unless you are the person that he or she is married to. It also depends on the relationship between the man and his wife, and your desires in the relationship. If you desire a long term relationship then you may wish to evaluate his current actions (being married and having an outside relationship) and consider if that is acceptable to you, either as a long term girlfriend or as a possible future wife. Since you believe that he willing to go outside this marriage, it is certainly possible that he would go outside his next marriage too.

Why is a man in a loving relationship still having the 'urge' to sleep with other people?

ANSWER: I'm not surprise and you need to realize that this type of man or a husband is only thinking of himself not others. I guess we can call it selfish. There are some man especially married will say that it doesn't matter if his married, he can still attract woman that he wanted. And this are dangerous man in my opinion...

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He was a very selfish man. Loyal, but selfish

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Men that cheat on their wives have no backbone and often are selfish because if they were that miserable with their married life they would file for divorce. They cannot have everything as they would like it to be, but when they have an affair the other woman is more in awe of the married man and she falls into the trap of letting him control her. In the end with most affairs the married man either goes back to his wife; she finds out he is cheating and divorces and married men often do not marry the other woman. Women who have affairs with married men generally deserve what they get. If two people are really in love then there is no reason to be honest and up front with the wife and that is proof in itself that the married man is selfish; uses the other woman for sex and his own pleasure and keeps her hanging around at his disposal while cheating on his wife.

What do you do if you are married to a gay man and you are a woman?

You deal with the relationship on those terms or you get out of it. If you both want to continue the relationship and you can deal with the fact that he is going to sleep with men it can work, but there are always going to be problems.

Can a man be married?

a man to be married