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You cannot cure mono. Only your body can fight off the virus. The Epstein-Barr virus is a strain of the herpes virus, so it stays in your body for the rest of your life.

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Q: How do you cure mono?
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Is mono orange josis real?

yes it is my dad has it but theydon't have a cure

Is there treatment for mono after you have had mono?

No. There is no treatment/cure for mono. The body has to fight it on its own; mono is rarely fatal, so there isn't much to worry about. But your spleen can rupture if you exercise (mono enlarges the spleen), so strict bed-rest is highly recommended.

What can you do for mono?

To manage symptoms of mono, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and take over-the-counter pain relievers for fever and sore throat. Avoid contact sports to prevent potential spleen injury. It's important to see a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and to monitor for any complications.

Is there a cure for stenosis?

There is a cure for Stenosis but the only way to cure it is if you have an annoying laugh and do a stupid clap after everything you do and then develop mono. After you realize that you are gay for doing this, you will no longer be named Garet Isaman and people will actually like you and you want have to chase people down for a good time.

Are Hinduism mono theists or poly theists?

last time my teacher just said their mono. Buddhism is the one that's poly.

Is mono curable?

Yes there is! I had mono and I have been going to a natural doctor to treat my Lyme Disease actually and I had been taking whole food supplements and a DoTerra oil protocol and when I went to see the doctor she told me that that the Lyme was there but it was inactive but that the mono was completely gone! there were no traces of it in my body! so if people say there isn't a cure, im living proof that it can be cured!

What are the Shlomi saranga mono lyrics?

Mono is like single or alone, so it's mono mono, all my life I'll be mono, I'm alone and it's good to me, mono, from love I run away, mono... That's the chorus atleast

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Can you fly if you have mono?

No, if you have Mono you cannot fly.

What is mono et mono?

one on one.

What does es un mono mean in English?

He/she is a monkey.