There are a lot of reasons you should go paint balling. Personally I love it!
1. If your parents are scared you will get hurt show them the bulletproof suits they have. That's what I used the first time I went paint balling.
2. If you have a friend that goes paint balling tell your parents that your friend could go paint balling with you. It is great to have an experienced paintballer by your side.
Before I say this let me tell you this might not be the greatest idea.
3. Get a paintballer and tell your parents that you will get shot with a paint ball so you know how it feels. And if it hurts then you will not go paint balling.
The reason why step 3 is sort of bad is because it could backfire and you could get hurt and then you'll never be able to go.
If you get hit with a paintball lol
Search for paint-ball, Middlesbrough on internet
of course,
Their are really only two options... You can go paint-balling with her or you can choose not too. If you really don't want to you could suggest an alternative activity or if you just don't want to go paint-balling in February you should suggest that you go at a different time of year for her birthday.
How about a Go-Karting party or Paint balling?
Sunol paintball in sunol.
Depends how much you shoot. 1000 is a safe estimate.
Paint balling could potentially harm you without proper safety gear. Before engaging in a day of paint balling it is recommended to purchase items such as face masks, chest protectors, padded shorts, and knee pads. These items are all padded to protect the gunman from receiving too much harm.
Paint-balling, then go-karting, then going to a gig.
Paint balls are available from many retailers. These include directly from paint balling companies online and in store, as well as online from Amazon.
knackered, i decided to get up early for paint balling on the day the clocks go forward
One way to convince your parents that you are trustworthy and responsible is to show them. Ask to take on more chores at home, and do those chores well. Do not engage in any kind of behavior that will paint you as untrustworthy in your parents' eyes. Trust is one of the hardest things to build, and it can be shattered in an instant.