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If you want to date other people and your parents won't let you, you should ask them why. The usual answer is, "you're too young," but the worst thing you could do is to tell them that you won't be having sex, or that you don't want to, or even that you won't be going someplace without parental supervision with the other person because that will only remind your parents of WHY they don't want you to date. Instead, calmly tell your parents, with an air of maturity, that you are growing older and that you want to start dating. No matter how heatedly they object, no matter how much they yell (if they do) you must remain calm. If you can do that, your parents will believe/see that you are becoming more mature and they will contemplate whether or not to let you date. Most of the time parents end up saying yes, but nothing is set in stone.

This approach is usually the best if you don't want your parents mad at you. They always get over it in the end if you go behind their backs and date, but this approach is recommended to forgo any punishment.

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You convince them by telling them if there will be broken hearts in the relationship you would take the blame for it not them. Tell them you want to be happy in many ways including going on dates and stuff.

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Q: How do you convince your parents to date?
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