I think you should take a baby doll and pretend its a real baby and show how you would take care of a real baby i tried it an it worked and i also did lots of chores (goodluckkk)
Hate to say this, but you both should have agreed on whether or not to have children before you got married. What if you'd discussed children before getting married, and agreed to have them, and after marriage, he keeps making excuses? Even if you both said you wanted two kids, you have a child, and he doesn't want another, you need to be fully honest with your husband that you would like to have another child. If he still says no, you're going to have to accept that answer--it's not fair to any of you to bring a child into the world either one of the parents does not truly want it. What impact this will have on your marriage depends on what's more important to you--a life with this man or a baby, because you can't have both. Don't think you can "change his mind," anymore than he can change your feelings about wanting a baby. It is possible that over time he will change his own mind. Many men (and women) do not think they want children when they are young but as they age and mature they decide that they do. If you pressure him, you will either drive him away, or what's worse, you will get him to agree to a baby because he wants to keep you, not because he wants the child.
Be honest with him. Don't just dance around it. Also, if you are worried that he won't want to, just tell him at a time when he doesn't want to say no. For example when you are laying in bed, and he is about to go to sleep. lol. Or make a nice dinner. Maybe try to be around babies, and tell him when he is in a good mood. =]
This is something you should've talked about before you got married. All you can do is asking him to consider it and also take a good look at your life and see what you can see yourself live without - him or a child. That might be the consequence if he is serious about not wanting to be a father. It can also be that he is not ready yet. Ask him how he looks at your future together, if he might be ready down the line.
You need to respect her , she probably doesnt want the pain.
Answer 2
You won't get far until you find out why she she doesn't want to have one; it is, after all, usual for a woman to have a strong desire for children. Begin by asking in a warm, friendly and above all non-hostile way, why she is reluctant. This is most important; it may be that part of the reason is that she mis-trusts you in some way. Just in case this is part of it, begin your campaign to win her over right at the start.
When you do find out why, you can choose your tactics to suit. You may need to take expert advice at this point. If the problem is as stated in the first answer, you could talk about an epidural anaesthetic, or an elective caesarian section.
sha had a husband but not a baby
You get a baby by getting a husband, a year after you get a husband, you get a baby.
You should turn on the charm.
you look you man striaght in the eye and tell him " baby you are sexy and i love you but you are a ManTard so please stop if i didnt love you i wouldn't be here" That is what i tell my husband.. he giggles and kisses me ! - Mrs.Botero
look at the baby,then look at the husband
No, the baby is not considered your husbands. (If you are sure that the baby was because of someone else, and not your husband.)
Lady Macbeth has an understanding that her husband has no manhood and is a cowered. Thinking her husband is a cowered is what helps convince her that the murder plot should be carried out.
The stranger tells Jack that the man who lived upon the hill, Mrs. Caraway, had a baby, but the baby did not live, and was neither buried nor mourned. This is an effort to convince Jack that there is no baby buried in the graveyard.
You have none whatsoever.
Is a Husband supposed to buy a gift for his wifes baby shower?
Is a Husband supposed to buy a gift for his wifes baby shower?