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If the two of you are true friends, you will be able to stay friends no matter what happens. I am going through the same thing right now. I know that it can be hard, but if you keep yourself in the girl's life, she may just realize how good of a catch you are. Don't loose hope

The problem is that you are still placing your need for a relationship with her over any real friendship that is between you. Being with her will be a constant reminder of what you want and can't have, especially as you see her get involved with other guys. You'll feel resentment as you watch her date other guys, and worse, if she confides in you about her relationship with someone else.

If she only wants a friendship, make your words and actions reflect that. Treat her as you would any male buddy---no cuddling or hugging, no gifts, no dates (you both pay your share if you go out to eat, etc.), no long phone calls, no sleepovers. If she questions this, remind her that she only wanted a friend, and that is what you are from now on. A friend, nothing more.

It may actually be better to tone down the friendship for now, which will help you to grow away from your current feelings and ready yourself for future relationships with women who actually want relationships with you. It doesn't mean that you hate your friend for being honest with you or ignore her, but that you stop focusing on someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings.

This question kind of reminds me of the same situation that I am in, except, I'm in love but aren't close friends with my guy friend because I was too shy to talk to him when I was back in my first year of high school. The only thing I would suggest is that you can keep staying close friends with her and wait for her until she's married as I am waiting for him until he's married. The only good thing for your situation while the only bad thing about my situation is that it's good how you're close friends with her so you can try and get as close to her as possible and see if she will soon have feelings for you too while it hurts for me how I have to cope with it without any luck. However, if you claim that you only "like" her, maybe because you've fallen out of love with her for another girl, then your lust feelings for her will soon turn into having no feelings for her at all anymore unlike the feelings of love for a particular one because you will never fall out of love if you're truly in love with someone. So in this case, you should forget about relationships until you believe that it's love. Therefore, staying friends with her should be an easy thing to do then, unlike me, how it's hard to keep being friends with my guy who I love.

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Q: How do you continue being friends with a close friend who is a girl you like after you told her your feelings and her wanting to be just friends but are still hoping she will like you back?
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