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You try to win their heart back by acting you did when they first fell for you. that will make all of the good memories you two had together come back to him. Try to dress very pretty, and wear makeup and fix your hair and look nice. DOnt be too clingy and dont text him everyday,all day. Give him some space, he needs time to think about how to leave his girl for you(:

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You first start of by talking to your ex, casually, as if your friends, or friends again. Whenever you see him, wear something pretty around him,and try to look your best, because once he takes one look at you, he will realize what a big mistake he made. After you have a friend-to-friend conversation with him for a few days, ask him if you would want to hang out sometime. If he agrees, this is where things start to go good. Try a casual place to meet, like the movies. This will make a lot of things in his head start to spin, wondering who he wants more. and if he is a smart one, he'll realize he wants you more. Try not to text him too much,you'll look desperate,and that will drive him away. And dont try too hard, because it will show.

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Q: How do you break up your ex and his new girlfriend?
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You do not make a couple break up and if you try then you will end up the fool. If you are trying to break up an ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend from their new love then by trying to break them up they will just detest you in the end. It is best to move on and if you are meant to be together then you will be.

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You do absolutely nothing about your ex boyfriend considering he has a new girlfriend. If he loved you he would break up with his girlfriend and since he has not then he wants to be with her and you need to accept that. Just because you have broken up with your boyfriend it doesn't mean you can just step back into your ex boyfriend's life.

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It sounds as if you were on the rebound and chose another girlfriend before getting over your ex. Your girlfriend deserves the respect and dignity of you telling her the truth and if you don't break up with her then you are using her and the truth will eventually come out and hurt her deeply. Break up and go back to your ex and if she doesn't want you don't go running back to your girlfriend.

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Meet up and discuss things.

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The girlfriend that is going to be dumped for her best friend should relax and go out and find a new BF! Hope this has helped Supersauge **********

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