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If you avoid answering, you'll be fueling his curiosity - and this might be a bad start. Try to use some humor, instead; transform your answers so they become a chance to smile and have a good laugh together (BUT don't lie). If you feel you don't manage to ease his pressure not even a bit and this is getting your uncomfortable, tell him so - with gentle but clear words. If he's seriously intentioned, he'll decide to postpone his questions to a better time........ Be ready by then! ;)

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Q: How do you avoid answering awkward questions from your date about the other guys you hang out with?
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Awkward questions to ask?

There are a lot of questions you can ask someone that would seem awkward. Asking someone why they look the way they do can be awkward and asking someone if they will lick the floor is awkward.

Researching answers to questions asked?

Researching is encouraged for answering questions. Just be careful to avoid copying texts from other sources and pasting them, as this is plagiarism, and not permitted. When answering questions, contributors are encouraged to rephrase information they find into their own, original work.

Why are you answering all my questions?

because it is nice to help other people

Who is the scholar answering these questions?

There are many people answering the questions on this site. Some are scholars, some are not. It is a wiki, which basically means that anyone can come and ask or answer questions on the site. Kind of a collaborative community, trying to answer each other's questions.

Who gets paid at this website for answering questions?

It depends on what you mean by pay. Contributors are not paid in cash for answering questions. That said, just answering questions is sort of a payment in itself. It can be satisfying to know you've helped other people, and it is satisfying to get to use your knowledge and share it.

Why should you bother answering other people's questions if nobody bothers answering yours?

Because its a good thing to help others

Have you ever realized that the questions we are answering are for other people's homework and school assignments?

Yep, but if I don't answer them then who will answer questions for MY homework and school assignments? ;)

Is this a computer answering you or a person?

It's other people answering the questions when they search through them :)

How do you know all of the questions that people give you?

other people answer them like me now answering your question

What is competition can you beat it?

it is a trivia game where you compete against other players to beat them by answering questions

Why is it that guys and girls can never stay friends?

This isn't necessarily true, I have a few guy friends myself. But the main reason is most often an attraction for each other creates an awkward tension between the two, especially if one admits their attraction to the other. A great way to keep your other sex friend is to keep the mood light and joking, try to avoid the serious atmosphere of asking awkward questions.

Does answer any question in the world?

If it can it does, however it will not do anything illegal and it relies on "the world" to answer the questions you ask - there are no staff answering questions just other people.