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I hope your are near her age and respect the differences she may have in culture and values. If she is truly from Africa, you may not know what her customs are or the values her family has. Keeping these things in mind, the best approach with any girl is to start a conversation with her about something you have in common, such as school, sports, or other activities. You can also ask her what country in Africa she I from and what it is like. She will probably be happy to talk about her native country if she remembers it.

Always show her respect, dress in nice, clean clothes; and make sure you smell fresh. Be friendly and kind without being pushy, and show your interest in her by listening to what she has to say without interrupting her. Invite her to do something with you: if you are at school, for examplel, ask if she wants to join a game you are playing. If you see her on a playground or she lives near you, ask her if she wants to take a walk, or show her one of your prize possessions.

If she is African-American, you simply treat her with the same kindness and respect you do with all your friends. And in either case, just be yourself.

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Q: How do you attract the attention of a 10 year old African girl?
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