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Getting to know him would definitely be the first step. Once you are friends (or even just know each other somewhat) you might wanna start trying to get his attention. try getting to know him first, though

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Q: How do you attract a guy that you don't even know?
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I know everyone says this but really just be yourself dont be someone your not because they guy will fall for the wrong you, dress up and look nice if your into doing that but if your a sporty person wear sporty clothing a guy should like you for who you are not who your trying to be

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get to know him first and maybe he will like you back just be friends first and wait a while then make your move

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You dont. Introduce yourself first and then determine if you even really like him, perception and fantasy can be an illusion.

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U dont:)

What guy try to lift weights and from you and you know that he probably dont like you?

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just get to know him and be yourself it will work out trust me.

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you should talk to this guy and see if he likes you back mabe you guys were meant to be or mabe not you will never know if you dont talk to him this also happend to me to!!! GOOD LUCK!!! Braxton