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Casually and with little planning. Be honest without divulging all of your thoughts and emotions at one time. Learn who she is, let her find out who you are, share experiences. Events will unfold as they should; don't force anything.

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12y ago

when i was love with her i would propose by simile and love look in my eyes.

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Q: How do you approach a girl for love?
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I think the best way to approach a girl and catch her eyes and keep her love is to be honest with both her and yourself. Try to keep conversations up. If you're too nervous, just tell her so. Get to the point.

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Many boys have different ideas of love, some like the direct approach( hay, sexy, what are you doin tonight?), others, like me (yes I'm 15 and writing this) like to take it slow. So if you are a parent you ask the boys mom or dad does your son like girls to approach him quick or slow or if your the girl in this scenario you check with other girls who have tried to approach him. Hope this helps!

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The best way is to approach her and ask her if she would love to be your friend.

What should you do if you want to love one girl but you are truly in love with another girl?

AnswersIf you want to love a girl but are truly in love with another girl decide what you love about each girl. The girl has more things about her that you like you should be with.It will be hard to love two girls if you keep on doing what you have been doing. AnswerThere are two possible answers here.First if the girl you are truly in love with either does not know or is not with you you must first approach her.Secondly if she does know how you feel and does not feel the same way you really must go on with your life,for if you want to "love" the other girl start with being honest with her and yourself. AnswerYou can't force love, it just happens. Perfect example is you know you won't love the 2nd girl half as much as you love the 1st and your not even with her. Don't settle for less. I believe there is more than one true love out there for everyone, just be patient.

You feel scared to approach the girl you love because she is your friend.Your worried that she would misunderstand you.What should you do?

ask Antony sharp for advice on how to scare girls away

How do you approach a girl that you really love?

i would love a guy to come up to me with a confident stride and ask if i would mind him talking to me, then maybe buy me a drink and then take it from there, the getting to know me part would be a good start

How to approach a girl who has rejected you once?

from behind

How do you ask a girl out that Im mad at?

All people who have crushes on each other act mad at each other. Just approach her and say, "I'm not mad at you. I'm in love with you."