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Well sisters are kind to you. I've got a little sister and we are always sharing and caring for each other. But sometimes they can be annoying so here is three positive things to kind of annoy your sister:

*Steal her things but when she starts to get angry or is starting to cry give it back.

*Mess her clothes up but apologise as soon as possible to avoid getting into trouble by your parents

* Copy what she says for 2 minutes and hopefully she'll leave you alone, if not then ignore her.

Here are three very fabulous ways to annoy your sister and I hope it works. Good Luck!

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ignore anything she says

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annoy them and insult them especially small sister not mentioning names

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if you have a hot brother or sister most people try to annoy it but the best way to deal with it is imagain him/her a an ugly person that you hate.

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It's their purpose in life to annoy you. Give them 18 years.

What is the present tense of to annoy?

I annoy You annoy He/she/it annoys We annoy You (plural) annoy They annoy or I am annoying etc. :)

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Haha, well because that's their sister. They like to annoy their sibblings.

Why is your sister so loud?

because there voice boxes never turn off! Also because they like to annoy us.

How do you get your sister to you?

if shes your your younger sister give her something you dont want and be nice to her if shes your older sister help her out do her chores be nice ask her if she needs anything cater to her every will or don't annoy her and try to make her laugh