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You cannot. Even in private adoptions - where a birth parent knows you and wants you to raise their child - a home study is required. This is for the protection of the kid.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

It is not possible to adopt a child without going through agency unless you are adopting your relatives child.

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Q: How do you adopt a baby with out going through a home study?
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No you have to have it legally done, otherwise she can come back anytime and claim the baby back and things are going to get messy. The baby will need you as a parent on the paper. Are you going to adopt her baby or fostercare? Call a adoption agency if you are going to adopt.

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Yes of you adopt it as a baby

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If your baby got token away, you can't have or adopt another one, if you have a baby, you can only have one, and if your having a baby, then you can't adopt one

How many years does it take to adopt a baby?

You can go out and adopt one from a shelter right now! If you are looking for a purebred dog, it varies, you might have to wait a while if going through a breeder. Don't go through a pet store. There are so many pets available for adoption in the shelters!

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How do you adopt a baby on woozworld?

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How do you adopt a baby - ps2 sims2?

The problem is you cant adopt or ve babies on the sims 2 only on PC you can adopt and have sex so you get a baby

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To have children you can either adopt a child through going onto ur phone in the sims3 and calling the adoption services -OR- make a man and a woman be boyfriend and girlfriedn and there should be an option to 'try for baby'

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you cant decide which gender your baby is going to be so you are just going to be surprised. But you can adopt a child by going to your phone then click "call services" and then click on "adopt a child" once the person comes you can choose the gender, age, and the name of the child

Do you have to be a certain age on Sims 3 to adopt a baby?

Yes u have to be an adult or older to adopt or try for baby