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Q: How do military get a marriage by proxy?
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Is a proxy marriage legal in Michigan?

No, Proxy marriages are not allowed in they are legal in Home of Rose Wedding Chapel __ proxy weddings double & military proxy weddings

I am in Alaska in the military my fiance is in Missouri how do you get a marriage license so as to get things set up before she gets here?

If it is a proxy marriage that you want unfortunately both Alaska and Missouri does not allow proxy marriages.

What is the best way for a US citizen to marry an Afghan citizen?

Hopefully one of you is in the military. Then you can get a proxy marriage. Look up proxy marriage laws for your state, it's very easy and quick. You can also get married in Texas because they allow proxy marriages and have no residency laws. Good luck!

Does the state of Wisconsin recognize by proxy marriage as being legal?

The most important thing to know about an Armed Forces Proxy Marriage is that it is completely legal, official and no different than a non-proxy marriage. Under the laws of the state of Montana, a proxy marriage is legally identical to a non-proxy marriage. Montana makes no distinction between proxy marriages and non-proxy marriages. A proxy marriage is NOT a fake marriage, a temporary marriage or in any way inferior to a non-proxy marriage. Instead it is a legally recognized marriage, which under the laws of the United States, must be recognized by the rest of the country. Armed Forces Proxy Marriages provides double proxy marriages. The Montana law requires that one of the parties be a "member of the Armed forces on federal, active duty".

Does the UK recognize double proxy marriage as a legal marriage?

Proxy weddings are not recognized as legally binding in most jurisdictions. “proxy marriage” is rather alien in the UK

My fiancé is incarcerated. We want to get married and the prison is being very difficult. How can we get married?

You may still become legally married by proxy. A "proxy marriage" is a marriage where a stand-in (a "proxy") stands in for the absent groom or bride. A proxy marriage is handled entirely through the mail. No travel is necessary. And the civil marriage ceremony (using proxies) actually happens, by POA (power of attorney), outside of the prison; so the prison can't stop the marriage from taking place! The marriage is fully legally valid and all U.S. prisons MUST recognize the marriage. Marriage firms that facilitate prison proxy marriages include: VZS Proxy Marriage, Proxy Marriage Now!, MarriageByProxy. com (S&B), Dream Makers Marriage Services, MPPM Proxy Marriage, and Forever Dream Makers Marriage Services.

What are the release dates for Marriage by Proxy - 1918?

Marriage by Proxy - 1918 was released on: USA: 16 September 1918

Is proxy marriage legal in Ghana?

Yes, proxy marriage in allowed in Ghana and can be used legally in the UK for visa purposes.

Is proxy marriage recognize in Nigeria?

Marriage by proxy is not permitted under the Nigerian law as both parties are expected to be present at the celebration of the marriage. See the Mariage Act for further enquiries or contact a qualifies personnel of the Marriage Registry in Nigeria.

Does South Carolina allow marriage by proxy?

As an attorney, I represent many persons who are enlisted in, or associated with the U.S. Armed Forces. Proxy marriage is a popular solution for many of them, especially due to the challenges of military deployment. While it is not possible to solemnize (officiate) a proxy marriage in South Carolina, nevertheless, a proxy marriage which is legally solemnized in a different state or nation, where it is legal to do so, will be legally recognized as a valid marriage under South Carolina law. So a proxy marriage, officiated correctly elsewhere, is indeed a legal marriage in South Carolina. It is very important to differentiate between: (1) whether or not it is possible to legally solemnize (officiate) a proxy marriage in a particluar jurisdiction; and (2) whether or not said jurisdiction, even if it is not possible to legally solemnize a proxy marriage there, will nevertheless recognize a proxy marriage that is legally solemnized (officiated) in a different jurisdiction in which it is legal to so so. As per the principle of commity, virtually any state or nation will recognize the legal validity of a proxy marriage which is officiated in a jurisdiction which allows for it. So a proxy marriage in Montana, Colorado, Texas, California, El Salvador, or Brazil will be legally recognized in all 50 states, in the U.K., Australia, Germany, Singapore, and just about every other nation on the planet. A review of proxy marriage companies, as well as a good explanation of the relevant law, can be found at: Companies that I've heard good things about include: Proxy Marriage Now (, Dream Makers (, A Big Sky Event (, MPPM (, and Montana Proxy Marriages ( If you do a search under "Proxy Marriage" they should all pop up in the first couple of pages. I offer my congratulations to those who are contemplating marriage!

What actors and actresses appeared in Marriage by Proxy - 1918?

The cast of Marriage by Proxy - 1918 includes: Dorothy Dane Bobby Vernon

Is proxy marriage legal in the US?

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