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Suprisingly, I have found that materialism isn't much when you are DATING. but when you get into kinda the year mark or so, It becomes more of a " shared material " situation. You grow into this deal where you think of it instead as US, not you. But this is just from a 14 year old girl who has seen it in friends, not personally, but I hope this helps you out!

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13y ago

Everybody needs both spiritual and material values, but moral values must be valorized much more. The influence in our relationships related to material values is characterized by a needing of ostentation, but mainly to proportionate ourselves comfort, leisure time. When you get a visiting you shall be proud to show your furniture, rooms, cars, and so your neighbour does the same. Material values are the links on our social relationships.

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Q: How do material values influence your relationships with other people?
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How do material and non material culture influence each other?

Material culture includes all of the physical objects that people create and give meaning to. Cars, clothing, schools, computers, and books would be examples. An object only becomes part of culture after meaning have been given to it. A rock in a field has no meaning until it is used as a tool or to build a fence.Non-material culture consists of thoughts and behaviour that people learn as part of the culture they live in. It includes politics, economics, language, rules, customs, family, religion or beliefs, values, and knowledge.Further considerationsA culture is the collective manifestation of human intellectual achievement, and relates to the accomplishments and attitudes of a people of a particular time. A material culture places emphasis on objects, material accomplishments; the acquisition of material wealth; skill and productivity in arts and crafts; technology; fine buildings and displays of material prosperity.A non-material culture values 'abstract/intangible' things more highly than objects, e.g. things such as ideas; the things of the mind; philosophy; metaphysics; 'spirituality'; values; beliefs; relationships between god and man; 'being', etcFor more information, see Related links below this box