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well..... there is no perfect solution to anythin.... it actually depends on the person u wanna be with..... but there again... u can't rate things as impossible..... it is never that two people fall in love at the same time..... one definitely convinces the other over a period of time...... so the key is to keep trying ...... and be patient for it might take a looooooot of time..... n may be the results won't be in ur court too... :)

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You can't make someone love you, they either do or they dont. You can use manipulation to make someone be and stay with you - but that is for big time losers. Don't be a loser.

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Q: How do i make the person i love love me back?
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You should look for someone who is single and available to love you back. Even if this person does love you back, its obviously not enough to make them finish with their current partner which means that they think you are second best.

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Unrelinguished love is when you love someone with all you heart and soul,yet that person is not loving you back. That person is so afraid of loving someone they make their hearts like stone to not let your love in.

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Just tell the person " I love you". It will sink to his mind. But make sure you back it up with action.

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I guess so if you actually love the person and they love you back, show it physically.

How do you know if the person you love loves you back?

If the person loves you, he/she will go the extra mile for you to make you happy. do whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable and will support you on every task that you are about to do. Love is more than words is also the action of the caring person what makes love really big and unique.

What do you do if you know someone likes you?

like the person back. love back. love always. say "me like" and point to that person

Does the person you love love you back?

UMM SURE yes you should love them back that's if your not cheating on them

What if the person you love doesnt love you back?

Then it becomes unbalance. It is possible that the person is not interested.

How can you make him love you so much?

You can not make a person love you.

Why do you love the person that loves u?

Answer Love cannot always be explained but there must be something about the person that makes you love them. You are lucky they love you back!

How do you make a person love you?

You can't MAKE anyone love you. Love is a choice and a person either loves your or they don't.Become friends with your crush and love may grow out of that.

How do you make a friend like you as more than a friend?

In Order To Do That, play with the person's friends by doing the person's interest. Also be fair and give them gifts. They will eventually love/like you back. In Order To Do That, play with the person's friends by doing the person's interest. Also be fair and give them gifts. They will eventually love/like you back.