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girls have many tricks when checking out guys. I've noticed most do it when you're sitting next to them when its easier to catch them checking you out. Most girls use their peripherals unlike men, keep that in mind.

1. if you're sitting next to a girl and lean forward to where your shirt rises from your back, watch where her eyes go. She'll be looking down your pants from the corner of her eye.

2. if your sitting around a girl, every once in awhile she'll pretend to fix her hair and turn her head towards your direction to check you out.

3. when you're talking to her she gives your face a vertical scan or her eyes are wandering all around your face.

4. when you're talking to someone else she is acting like she is listening to you speak when in reality she's giving you another vertical scan with her eyes.

5. you are sitting far away from her, she sneaks peeks from across the room (harder to tell).

6. she blatantly gives you the vertical scan and smiles when you make eye contact

7. you walk past her she checks out your butt when you're not looking (get a friend to be your extra set of eyes).

8. she looks at your shoes/hands/crotch. If you see her spending a considerable amount of time looking at them its pretty self explanatory.

9. spends extra time to pack her bag as she is leaving so she can check out your butt when you walk past her.

10. if you make eye contact she looks away then looks back again: good sign. The more times she does it the more obvious it is.

11. (this is not very common because of the effort it takes but it happens) She's sitting in front of you and every once in awhile she'll turn her head and pretend to look at something to the right or left of her. She'll use her peripherals to see if you're looking down working on something, if you're not she'll use her alabi she was looking at something from across the room. or she might be checking someone else out (see #5).

12. and lastly, the most obvious and most important imo, dilated pupils. This doesnt mean you have to look deep into her eyes to see if her iris gets bigger or youll look like a creeper. its an expression of the face. If it looks anything like a deer-in-the-headlights would look....shes smitten. eyebrows raised, mouth slightly parted, wide-eyed.

sometimes when you catch her checking you out she can do a variety of things to cover it up. Pretend she was looking around the room or past your head, nervously look away (sometimes with shifty eyes), etc.

signs to pick up that shes currently checking you out: playing with an earring, necklace, rubbing inner thigh,

most common method of checking a guy out: start at face, if she likes what she sees gives a once over, checks out arms, linger at butt/crotch/shoes/hands. repeat.

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12y ago

They go to a grocery store and bring them up to the register to get them checked out by the cashier.

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