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If you mean test as in affinity test then I'm your girl!Some girls crush on guys that they most likely know very well,so they answer the questions with the answer that the boy will most likely choose.If the girl doesn't know the guy she would probably get to know him and then answer the affinity questions with the best choice.If the test really works then they might date.

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Q: How do girls test boys that they like but aren't their boyfriends?
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Be confident, humorous and and exercise will also help ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah but seriously, I like fat boys. I hate those skinny little boys that have nothing on them. You'd be surprised. Girls arent the same as boys. I know that boys insult fat girls all the time and stuff but girls arent the same (well most arent). Just like the other girl said, be funny (thats important, make the girl laugh) and be NICE. Hardly any teenage boys complement girls. Say they smell nice or they're hairs soft or something. You'd be surprised about the result. Good luck :)

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