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The Key to a First KissFirst of all you must remember its not a first kiss. I am guessing you have been kissed by a relative before, correct?? Remember that and it will take some pressure off.

A real first kiss should be special so if you don't feel ready, wait. That lucky person who will receive your first kiss should be someone close to your heart, so a boyfriend/girlfriend would do nicely. You could give this person hints about kissing by flirting. But the most easiest way would just be to talk to this person about it. Not publicly, but maybe on the phone or by email. If you choose the latter than make sure to bring it up in a careful way so you don't drive him/her into the wrong direction. Good luck, and remember we all had to go through this.

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12y ago
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15y ago

well all he has o do is be funny look into the girls eye and just go for it but be sure when is the time to do it becasue if the girl is not ready then the guy will have to wait until she is so be yourself and go for it!

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12y ago

You could wait until you are both having a good time and after some laughter when there is a pause look them in the eyes and go for it.

Or you could act like a gentleman and tell her first that you would like very much to kiss her. You may very well find that she will draw you closer, and kiss you first if you are slow to react!

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14y ago

Well, u should 1st know if your partner likes u. This is mandatory If it's a yes, then that's good. You probably can tell if he looks at your breasts/butt or if she stares at you when your looking away. Brush your teeth over and over again, so it's even better then the extra-clean feeling u get after a dentist check up. It's usually after the date-where your alone-tht really matters. Try2find a place alone w/ him, but don't be2straight out that u want a special place. Time and patience Once u do, things r prob goin2seem a bit's fine. If your nervous, you'll prob find yourself looking away from him/her.....DON'T!!!!!!!! Look in2 his/her eyes; try not2blink that much, and if u do, do it slowly (it'll make u seem sexier). Take a slowww step forward, letting him/her that your ready 2 kiss. They will defiantly respond by moving forward if they like u. Then, place your hands somewhere that's not on the butt or breasts (they'll probably just move away if u do...dont, worry, it comes natural with hand placement. And then, just go in for the kiss and remember, the 1st kisses are usually not the long romantic ones you see on tv...short and sweet is always good for a 1st kiss. It's better for you because you can back out if you didn't like it, but if you did, there's always time for more ;)

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14y ago

Guy: You have to have a girl friend first off. After 1 month of dating you should start thinking about kissing. Before you leave your date give your girl a hug then look her in the eyes and say how bout we kiss this time. Lean in if she takes it dont do a full make out just a short kiss on the lips. If she doesnt take it don't be embarressed that was a 1 and a million chance and shes nervouse.

Girl: Wait! don't rush it! When ever he is ready he will do it! Just lean in when he does and your lips will touch! Don't do a full makeout scene like in the movies its your guys first kiss! He may get to rushed if you do a make out and things may go wrong.

First kisses arent huge just relax it will come soon enough. I am thirteen and had mine yesterday.

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14y ago

if you wana get your first kiss, there are a few things you can do. if your one of those "just get it done and over with" people...then you can just ask a realy close friend (who you know there are no feeling between the two of you.) they might do...especially maybe because they are being faced with the same problem.


if you on a relation ship for the first time and you know you want to kiss your partener, than talk it over with them(it's really not as nerve wracking as you think), and then one of you can make the first move.


or if your as out going, blunt and spontanious as i am, you could just go up yo someone that you like(and you know they feel the same) just say"kiss me" and then see what happens. if they dont say anything, you can also suggest that you could kiss them. but im probably the only person that would ever do something like that

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13y ago

You can wait until it's offered, ask your mother, or contract with a professional.

dont just jump in .. get to know someone .. but if they arnt intrested . take the lead and go in for the kiss .. hopefully they will play along xx good luck .. cocobeanthegreat xxx

That guy or girl is being a big wuss find a girl you like tell her if sh can help you with something invite her to your house make her look the other way hump her ,and then when she turns around kiss her.

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10y ago

The way to initiate a first kiss is to be confident. Look the other person in the eye and lean in slightly to initiate the kiss.

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