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Answer: Be a gentleman to her. I am a girl and I love it whenever guys open doors, pulls out my chair, you know thing like that. You could even write her a poem, show her some extra attention in a gentlman-like manner. Just be sensitive to her feelings. Maybe if you think her best friend could keep a secret ask her to ask the girl something like this, "If a guy likes you, how would you want him to show you he loves you?" or something like that Answer: Tell her how you feel. But, don't scare her, try telling her you like her first.

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12y ago

Oftentimes by being obnoxious; teasing and picking on her because they want her attention.

It mostly depends on the person. There are guys who show their feelings by being nasty towards girls, and others who can only be sappy and follow them around like a lost puppy.

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exspressing emotion and feelings compared to there life answered from a boys point of view and my true answer is that it show the true person they are by what they are rapping about and somtime its just for fun and or to sometimes be anoying in somtimes to show a girl they like her

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because like a girl, boys have feelings. For the girl they like (feelings ) or just regular humane feelings in general ! Sorry but new to the single dating scene!

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Depends on the boy. Everyone expresses their feelings differently. It's really about knowing someone

Will a girl show her feelings to a guy she likes?

not at firstt:)

Why do boys care for a girl?

Because he has feelings for that person and wants to show it.. so he shows the best ways of showing it to her and making sure she realizes it. Even the most "tough" men have a soft-side and want to show it.

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As long as the girl doesn't act weird or too nervous with boys they have feelings for, them then the boy won't find a girl awkward for his company or time. :)

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Just tell her your feelings.

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A girl can be bi if she is having sexual feelings towards a boy and a girl or suddenly being attracted to women even though she likes boys

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Pretend that you guys are just friends and have regular conversations with them

Are the boys in charge of asking the girls out?

Absoulutely NOT! If the boy and girl have feelings for each other ask the other out!!!!!!!!!!!!