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If they make you feel bad, if they make you cry, or if they ever make you feel less of yourself because of what they say or do then they are abusing you. Do they say mean things, give you nasty looks all the time, ignore you or disrespect you? That is abuse to and you don't have to tolerate it.

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19y ago
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14y ago

You know your being emotionally abused if your parents are;Putting you down. Dont care about your feelings. Curse at you, Tell you, your a worthless piece of sh*t. and if you constantly cry because of what they are saying to you.

Hope this helped you, and good luck to your troubles! And please get help if your being emotionally abused.... <3


Emotional abuse can be related to a lot of things

It can be a constant need for you to do something for them, with little or no satisfaction. It may seem that whatever you do is not enough.

Other times, They yell.

They call you bad words and make you cry out of spite.

Sometimes because they abuse you, doesn't mean they don't care.

Sometimes it means they just don't know how else to react, or they want to make sure you know the full implication of what happened.

I hope I helped :3

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13y ago

i have lived through 49 years of physical and mental abuse.22 of those years was my husband.the rest was my mother.i finally got divorced 16 years and 5 children make a long storie short.i am in a new relationship.the x has allready been remarried and recently after 11 years he decided to come back into town.reclaiming his children after years of no child support.he has managed to cut me off from my children. he has also managed to get my now boyfriend to hire him to do some contracting work in his house of which i am living in. despite all i have told my boyfried about him and what he did to me he hired him anyway thinking he was the cheapest he could find.he didnt even try to find someone else and kept it from me until the day he showed of course i was told if i didnt like it i could leave for 3 or 4 days.hes allready been here 30 days and now i find out there giving him more jobs. so of course this set me back from all the therapy i have been in to learn to trust and love again.i am now back in therapy on medication and physically boyfriend just laughs at me and says to chock it on the verge of a nerv ous breakdownand am always told im being ridicoulas,selfish,making mountains out of molehills,i take things to serious,laugh more,and what new boyfriend even came home with a story about catching me in a car with some black man making my x is allready stirring up trouble.and my new boyfriend wont tell me who he told this to becausr he promised the person he wouldn't tell me plus he had the nerve to ask me if it was of course im mad and were fighting and all he can say about it is if im not happy to go home. i didnt want to give up on this relationship so soon that's why im back in therapybut im just so hurt i don't know what else to do.he wants me to keep my mouth shut and doesnt want me to talk about it after all the years to speak up for myself.i don't think its fair that hes putting these people before me and he just laughs at me.i know that if he forces me to leave i wont be i guess if he can let that happenhe doesnt really care for me any i would like some feedback to this problem, thanks

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8y ago

If you are unsure that what your mom is doing could count as abuse, you should talk to a trusted adult such as a teacher, counselor, or pastor. There are usually local abuse hotlines as well where you can talk to counsellors. You should not be afraid of your mom or feel unsafe in your household so it is best to discuss what is going on with someone who can help you as well as answer your questions.

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17y ago

It quite common for even dear old dad and mom to have their arguments. They have private problems at times that are not their children's problems and have nothing to do with them. Physical abuse is: punching, hitting, shoving, kicking, biting, threatening with a knife or other weapon. Threats of killing the wife or wife and children. Mental Abuse: Is CONSTANT (not occasional) calling the other person a name or swearing. Mental abuse is playing games with your mother such as saying one thing and meaning another keeping her confused. Calling her an unfit wife, mother or that her cooking is lousy (if there is no truth to the matter). Always putting your mother down. My sister-in-law and her husband have always argued about stupid things but love each other dearly. One day when their son and daughter were in their mid-teens they sat their parents down and told them to grow up! They said they were tired of hearing constant arguing in the house between the both of them. Surprisingly enough my sister-in-law and her husband were so use to daily routine (just a habit) they hadn't realized how hard it was on their children and they made an effort to stop. They have contained their behavior fairly well, but every once in awhile they may start up again, but only for a short period of time. If the arguing is bothering you or other siblings then sit your parents down and tell them how you feel. If you don't think you can do this talk to a priest, minister or school counselor.

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15y ago

Yes, if your parent is telling you stuff like you not going to be anything or you are dumb, that's mental abuse.

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