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Honestly there comes a point where you can only do so much. She is a grown adult now, and therefore has to make her own decisions. Sometimes it's hard to watch as people make constant mistakes, but if you try and change the way they do things, they will most likely retaliate. I figure the best you can do is give your sister space and try not to worry about how she runs her life. You have your own life to live, so don't let the fact that she is making mistakes lead you to making a bigger one (neglecting your own). This may sound selfish to some extent, but it isn't like you haven't tried to help her. You can only help people who want the help, and to me it sounds like she is brushing your advice off. Maybe someday she will realize she has a problem and she will want your help. Hope this advice comes in somewhat handy.

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Q: How do I deal with my sister who has been making the wrong decisions all her life is on welfare has had 9 children 4 different fathers and keeps asking for money. She does not work always has excuses.?
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