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Well you can tell them, I think we should be friends.

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Q: How do 13 year olds break up with their first boyfriend?
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Do 12 year olds have to kiss to be boyfriend and girlfriend?

No, you do not have to kiss anyone unless you are comfortable with it.

Can a 14 year old girl move with her 18 year old boyfriend?

If the age of consent is higher than 14 (and it IS in most countries) then the mother can NOT give permission for her child to break the law. Some places will allow 14 year olds to marry. Then it is legal.

Is summer break the best for you and your boyfriend to break up?

no u should do it in the begining of the school year

Should 11 year olds have boy friends?

Honey it is alright t have a boyfriend at 11. MY mom let me!

What does a ten year old do?

this is my chart big changes-turning 10 is a big change itself and some 10 year ols are starting middle school school description-10 year olds are in 4th,5th,or 6th grade parent description-10 year olds are getting used to having freedom from their parents and they might be mean to them more often love description-10 year olds are getting their first crushes,and for some,their first boyfriend/girlfriend friend description-10 year olds are starting to hang out more with friends more often and their friends support them more often

Should 1 year olds wear make-up?

No! Absolutely not!! Girls should only start wearing make-up when they are about 18. THEN they can have a boyfriend. ONE boyfriend.

How many kids at the age of 9 break a rib each yr?

There is not an exact count, but around 1 of 7 9 year olds break a rib each year.

What if you have a 13 year old boyfriend who wants to mack you and your 11?

break up with him

Can 8 year olds kiss a boy?

Yes if it is your boyfriend or your girlfriend or you like somebody but make sure your parents know

What does it mean if your boyfriend feels you up at age 12?

it means he likes you. Who is 12, you or him ? This is inappropriate behaviour for 12-year-olds.