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Get close to her best friend/s, then start talking about her to them, And then ask if she likes you, And they should help you.

that's what i did anyways.

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Q: How did you know her feelings about you?
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What if she has feelings for someone else?

Then let her know of these feelings, if she still insists her feelings for another person, let her have him.

You like only taller and stronger women and you feel weird does anyone share your feelings?

Your feelings are your feelings and only you can feel the way you do. You may think that others know or think how you feel, but they don't. Know one can know that but you.

How can you tell if a guy has feelings for you?

If he likes you, you will know.

How was Shakespeare's feelings about poetry different than his feelings about his play?

We don't know what Shakespeare's feelings were about anything so this question cannot be answered.

Why feelings are important?

because no one will not know yr feelings, they need to know so you are happy in a life or whether your comfortable with something, you gotta tell them!

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It means your presence didn't allow the recognition of the true feelings.

Does matsuri admit her feelings for Gaara?

I know she will admit her feelings for Gaara.Well... it's coz she loves Gaara

If someone loves you but you don't know if you know if you love them?

You should tell them that you need time to think your feelings through before replying to their feelings. Good Luck!

How do you know your over someone?

you know when u no longer have feelings for him/her you know when you no longer care/have felings for him!

Why do friends still my friends but won't say they did and don't know their hurting my feelings?

Well if they don't know that they are hurting your feelings than they don't really know you that well. Maybe you should tell them.

Why are kids crule?

I know this answer kids dont know that other kids have feelings

What should you do if you know you love someone and they still have feelings for their ex?

decide if the feelings they have for the ex are bigger then the feelings they have for you. Everyone always has feelings for their ex - good or bad - so when you hook up with someone you just have to be sure that their feelings for you are stronger.