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They told folktales with customary characters and morals.

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Q: How did enslaved parents pass their traditions down to their children?
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Parents passing down family traditions to their children over the course of generations is a form of ———transmission?


Which answer best explains how folklore was important for enslaved families?

Folklore was important for enslaved families because it provided a means of passing down cultural heritage, traditions, and survival strategies. It served as a way to preserve their identity and community connections amidst the harsh conditions of slavery. Folklore also offered a way to express resistance and empowerment, providing hope and strength to endure difficult circumstances.

According to tradition what does filial piety require of children?

Filial piety requires children to respect, obey, care for, and support their parents. It also emphasizes the importance of honoring and upholding their family's values and traditions.

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not always, but sometimes parents are in competition with their children. Its not healthy, but it happens

What is one reason enslaved Africans told stories?

Because, they wanted to share their horrible stories to tell what was happening to them.

How can parents best meet the intellectual and emotional needs of their children?

By sitting down and talking to there children about there probelms

Why do parents want to arrange the marriages of their children?

In many cultures, marriage is considered a merger of two entire families in addition to the joining of two people. The parents have the experience and social knowledge to better decide how the two families will fit together. In such cultures, the couples may or may not marry for love. Their combined ability to share their lives with children, pass down important traditions, and maintain the reputations of their families is considered when their parents make a decision or suggestion concerning their marriage partner. In some cases, the parents spend the children's entire childhoods looking for the best spouse for their children.

Do the expectations of parents have an effect on their children?

Yes, children will generally live up to, or down to, their parents expectations. If parents think they have genius children, their children will probably end up being very smart. If parents think they have dumb children, the children might turn out to be not as bright as other children.

What are the chances my OCD will be passed down to my children?

OCD can be passed down from parents to children but more likely in learned behavior than in their genetics. Children will be more likely to develop OCD tendencies when they grow up watching their parents deal with OCD issues.

Why should parents avoid focusing on only their children?

because the kids are dragging them down

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Why was folktales used during slavery?

Folktales were used as a form of resistance and communication in the face of oppression during slavery. They allowed enslaved individuals to pass down cultural traditions, values, and hopes for freedom in a way that was disguised and less likely to be censored or punished by slave owners. Folktales also provided a sense of community and empowerment, offering a means of preserving identity and fostering resilience among enslaved populations.