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It could just be because she is younger than you.

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Q: How come your little sister has more energy than you?
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Ray ray has a little sister and a big sister but i dont know if he has more that is all i know

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Basically to get more energy. Hence, ENERGY drink.

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what do mean by ''relationship''? relationship as lovers? If so then no.They were close as brother and sister but nothing more.

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the ford car is more energy afichent

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Give them a turnip (it gives them a lot of energy), a carrot (gives them a little more energy) , feed them, and put them in the meadow. Hope this helps!

Why does your wife ask weird question like am I more beautiful than your sister why she want to look more good than your sister?

because she just wants to see if you would agree that shes more beautiful

What is the name of that movie where the sister tries to cut herself?

You'll have to give a little more information than that.

Can gerbils recognize the owners?

Yes, a gerbil can recognise their owner, my sister has two gerbils but I play with them more, they will come and play with me but they are too scared to play with my sister.

How are you supposed to be a good sister to a little sister that doesnt listen?

Your little sister listens more then you think she does so be careful what you say never putt people down. Do some thing nice each day for some one maybe your little sister or your mom or any one. Make sure your sister knows that you love her. Trust me i have a little sister and people say that i am not that nice to her but they don't see what we do together.... my little sister doesn't listen to me either and we are always fighting and complaining to my mom and dad but that doesn't help at all....... i think i need to be a better big sister to her like my bug sister was to me.... the only way i think that i can do that is try to talk to her differently (either in the tone that i use with her, or use different words that she understands better and with my body language..) I think that maybe that will work...... but i sure helps you and your sister...... I me with mine hope i helped

Please translate dame un poquito mas mi hermana?

It is Spanish for "Give me a little more my sister."