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Find out what it is that you like to do, and no longer let you do it.

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Q: How can your parents discipline you if they do not approve of your actions?
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Related questions

How do Scorpio parents discipline their children?

Scorpio's harshest method of discipline is their penetrating eye stare, since actions speak louder than words.

Who is the source of discipline?

The source of discipline typically comes from internal motivation, external authority figures such as parents or teachers, or societal norms. Discipline is often instilled through repeated practice, setting goals, and consequences for actions.

Do parents discipline chilren the way they were discipline?

A lot of the time yes

If you have been dating someone for a year and they turn 18 can they get into trouble?

ony if you sleep with them and your parents dont approve of them if your parents do approve of them then is is perfactly legal

Did William Shakespeare's parents approve of his profession?

We have no record of what his parents thought about anything.

How can you fulfill your dreams if your parents don't really approve?

JUST DO IT! So what your parents don't approve! It's YOUR life! If its your dream go for it! Don't let your parents get in the way of your dreams! You wanna do it? Go for it!

Do you approve of the nurses and friars actions in helping with the secret wedding?


Can a 17 year old move in with her 18 year old boyfriend?

by law you are responsible for your own actions.... but if your parents (or who you live with) do not approve if you still live under their roof then you are expected to come back.

Does homeschooling teach discipline?

Because homeschooling is between the parents and the children, discipline is enforced by the parents. It is wrong to ask whether homeschooling teaches discipline, because that depends on the parents. Some parents prefer to have regimented school days, others prefer a more relaxed style of teaching and learning.

Why would her parents approve of an older guy and tell his mom that their daughter wants to marry him but her parents are uneasy about him dating her in the future?

It may be that they are uneasy about their daughters marriage with you, but approve of her experience with you.

Is it OK to go on a diet at 14?

If your parents and doctor approve.

Did her parents approve of Florence Nightingale wanting to be a nurse?
