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If you've been together for a while, she may well just be waiting for you to make the first move, so you should. However, if you're really not sure or she's sending out mixed signals or seems uncomfortable with the idea, talk to her about it. She will be pleased that you're thinking of her because you don't want to do anything to make her uncomfortable.
Ask her. Since she's your girlfriend she'll be prepared for the question or at least not mind if you ask. Just ask her "do you want to kiss me" and then whether she wants to go further than that and also how far she feels comfortable with. Don't push her, tell her you'll give her all time she needs to feel ready for it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

I have felt like kissing some ladies I was dating, but did not want to as I knew it was not right for our relationship at that time. I have tried to be honest and tell her and in each case so far she agreed with me that our relationship was not ready for that. But she did know how I felt and maybe someday I might be it a situation where feelings and want could agree.

If it is going to happen both people must be comfortable enough with it. People are not mind readers.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

He'll try, he may be hesitating because he's not sure how you will react. You can start it up youself and see how he reacts. You'll know.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

It just naturally happens. Don’t push it.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Why not ask him?

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Q: How can you tell when your girlfriend is ready to make out?
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She will when she feels ready and comfortable with you.

How do you know if your girlfriend is ready?

Ready for what exactly? If you mean ready for sex then you ask her, in fact with anything if you're wondering if she is ready then you ask her. Strangers online can't tell you if she's ready and you can't know without asking.

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Maybe theres something shes not ready to tell you, just give her time. But make sure you let her know you care

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Whenever you feel ready just do it but if you don't like him like that tell him. If you feel like he is smothering you tell him to lay off a bit.

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to make up with your girlfriend you need to tell her that you love her and take her out to eat and give her a french kiss!

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Just tell him that you aren't ready and if he trys to make you, just walk away or if he doesn't stop, use force and tell him to stop. And if he doesn't, he was forwarned. You don't have to tell him why, just tell him that you aren't ready for that kind of thing yet, and if he is a good guy, he will listen and respect that of you.

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That means that You Are his new girlfriend. if you dont want to be his beu then tell him you are not ready.

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Just like anything ealse like this you can`t make some one ready they have to feel the time is right them selfs other wise if you try and make them it will end up bad

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There is no way to tell what the chances are. The girlfriend may simply not have been ready for your proposal at the time, and may be ready now. Or the girlfriend may not have been interested in you at all and your chances now are not good. The only way to know is to try!

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Chill out bro, wait for her, pressures a turn off