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  • If your husband is tentative to your needs such as listening to you talk every so often; may buy you flowers on occasion; remembers special occasions and comes home after work then he loves you. A person can tell another person 10 times a day they love that person, but it doesn't make it so. A person may only say 'I love you' every so often and truly mean it. Most marriages crumble by the lack of good communication skills and it would be to your best interest to sit down with your husband one night (with the TV off or off the computer) and tell him why you feel he is only pretending he loves you and then listen to what he has to say. Many men come home from work from perhaps a bad day; they're tired and their home is their castle where they can just be themselves. Just because a husband is quiet and may not pay attention to you doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Show some interest by asking him how his day went.
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Q: How can you tell if your husband is pretending he still loves you?
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You risk it. If you are sure the other person feels the same. Just walk up to him/her when you are alone, and tell them that you don't want to play games anymore, and how you feel about them. Tell them that their pretending not to love you is hurting you.

How you know that your husband loves you?

When you see that he wants you to be happy. When you see that he wants to commit to this relationship and make it work. When he is there for you anytime and would do anything to make you happy. Then you can tell he loves you.

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