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Speaking again from experience (being the one that had the emotional affair, I'd say the signs are always there. An ''obsession'' to talk about the person, a distancing in you're own relationship, listening to love songs, pulling away from a physical relationship with you, or even saying the wrong name when with you. The opportunities that they seek out to be with this person, etc.

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Q: How can you tell if your husband having a emotional affair?
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Should your husband tell his coworker that their emotional affair is over?

If it is yes most definately.

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Confront him/her and tell the truth, if you are or aren't having a(n) affair with her boyfried/husband/fiance.

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No, it is not a mistake to tell the husband his wife was having an affair with your husband. However, some wives can be in denial and they may not believe their husband is cheating, but most do.

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You do not tell your husband's girlfriend's employer anything. The employer is a businessman and is not interested in the private affairs of his employees unless it interferes with their work performance. It should be your husband you are going after and if you feel the relationship is over then file for divorce. Your husband is the one that started this affair because he either provoked the affair or he could have said 'no' if she suggested having an affair with him. Put the blame where it belongs ... your husband!

How can a person be countersued for having an affair?

ANSWER:Nope you can not, but if this person did something to you, physically you might have a case. But when it comes to emotional affair, they will tell you to see a councilor and solve your problem

What to do you if your husband had an emotional affair seven months with this woman and now is talking to her behind your back calling her at work and on her cell and says they are only friends?

Might be an old friend, who knows. But if he pays more attention to the woman than you, you should get a divorce. If he really loves and cherishes you, he'll make time for you and pay attention to you.

Husband told me he had a 6 month emotional affair with a coworker and he kissed her once but is there a way to tell if he slept with her and just told me as little as possible because it hurt me?

The fact your husband cared enough to tell you about his emotional affair even though he knew it would hurt you took some fortitude on his part and his guilt has compelled him to be honest which most men seldom are. Never mind if he slept with her or not, but relish in the thought he loved you enough to tell you the truth. Humans make mistakes and your husband made one. It will take time for you to trust him again, but in time you will. Remember, he didn't have to tell you.

Is it wise to tell you husband you are having affair?

The question shouldn't be 'is it wise to tell my husband I'm having an affair,' but why are you having the affair? If life is too intolerable for you living with your husband then have the guts to face it and not hurt his feelings by being irresponsible and selfish by hurting his feelings because one day he will find out. Once you have broken that bond of trust then in many cases there is no salvaging the marriage. Put yourself in his shoes. You are having an affair because something is missing in your marriage and neither you or your husband appear to have made much of an effort to communicate better or get marriage counseling. Wives or husbands can always go for separation and strike out on their own to clear their minds as to what they really do want in life. By having this affair you are not going to fill the hole you feel in yourself and it could lead to other affairs. It is up to you to decide if you continue the affair behind your husband's back, but if you do be prepared for the reality you could be losing someone very precious in your life.

How can you tell if your husband is having an affair?

# he spends long hours on the phone, but he refuses to tell you who he is talking to. # he suddenly has to stay after hours at work a lot. # he acts guilty when you say "i love you."

Why can't Hester tell that chillingworth is her husband?

Hester can't tell that Chillingworth is her husband because he assumed a different identity to secretly seek revenge on her for her affair with Dimmesdale. The passage of time, along with the physical and emotional distance that have grown between them, also contribute to her inability to recognize him.

Your friends tell you that your schizophrenic male friend will never commit to you he only is having an emotional affair with you in his head?

Ask him, and ask him, not the person in his head, take his hand, and ask him

Why did your best friend tell your husband you were having an affair?

Because she is a closeted bulldike who is in love with you. Lol. I can't tell you specifically but it seems pretty obvious that she, for some reason, doesn't want you to be together.