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You can tell if a horse is mad if their ears are pinned to their head, their tail is swishing harshly back and forth, and sometimes the whites of the horses eyes are showing.

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Q: How can you tell if your horse is mad?
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If a horse's ears are slant backward is he mad?

Not always. the horse could also be listening but if they are flat pinned down to their head they are mad

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No, it is not safe to stroke a horse when it is mad. An agitated or angry horse may react unpredictably and could potentially harm you. It's important to give the horse space and allow it to calm down before interacting with it.

How do you know if your horse is enjoying something?

The ears tell you a great deal! Watch the eyes and ears. Horses are very willing partners to many activities. If the ears are forward and up we have a happy and interested horse. Laid back and we have a mad horse.

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tell me the answer or i will get mad tell me the answer or i will get mad

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mad i tell u mad

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I think you should just tell her the truth if she's a true friend she won't be mad at you and will respect you for being honest

If a horse's ears are slanted backwards what does that mean?

he's mad

Why did your horse kick you?

he was mad when he kicked and afraid of me because I yelled at him.

Why are people sometimes kicked by horses?

yes, if they get the horse mad.