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Definition: Extreme self-interest which prevents one from allowing other people to come between oneself and the achievement of one's desires. A person who is governed by extreme self-interest.

We all have a little egomania in us and it can be healthy, but some people take it to the max and are less than desireable material for relationships of any sort.

CHARACTERISTICS OF EGOMANIA ... Self absorption and not allowing anyone into their world. They constantly talk about themselves. They think they are the best looking person God ever put on the face of the earth. If popular they use this to their own advantage and don't really care about other's feelings. They talk with "I", "me" constantly and seldom when speaking do they involve another person even if that person was involved. Example: The egomaniac can work with a person on a project and could get the reward for it, but would never admit they couldn't have done it without the other person. They know they couldn't have done it without the other person(s), but egomaniacs are out to take all the bows in every aspect of their lives. Egomaniacs talk constantly about themselves and seldom ask anyone else they are talking too how they are doing and are NEVER interested in any accomplishments the other person has achieved. They also feel they are far more superior in most aspects of their life than others.

NORMAL EGOMANIA ... You work hard on a project and you are rewarded for it. You are proud of yourself so you shout it from the roof tops and tell family and friends. You're proud of yourself and well you should be. The difference is, if someone helped you with this project you'd say something like, "I couldn't have done it without the help of ________________." Even a comment such as "I simply got lucky.

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17y ago

Ask someone who doesn't like you. They'll at least be honest about it. You can come up with the answer yourself. Here are some thoughts: Do you constantly talk about yourself to others and never ask how their life is going? Do you treat people unkindly or consider other people stupid and you are much more intelligent? Do you ignore other's opinions on certain subjects? Do you order people around and don't care what their likes or dislikes are? Are you argumentative with others over most subjects in a conversation? Do you always have to be right? Those above are but a few. If you have 1 or more of these then you need to sit up and fly right! Most of us have a little Narcissism going on inside ourselves, but most people take time out and try to balance it.

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14y ago

he only cares for himself and others arent much important to him

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A word for someone who only care about themselves?

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Sociopaths are egocentric by nature, because they lack the capacity to truly care about other people.One potential sign that a person is egocentric is if they use the words "I" and "me" very frequently.Most egocentric people don't realize that they are egocentric, or just don't care, but he was actually proud of it.

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He was brash, had poor manners, and was egocentric. She thought she was the center of the universe, and her egocentric attitude rubbed people the wrong way.

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A self-centered person or egocentric individual is someone who thinks the world revolves around them.

Name another way of saying that someone has a big ego?

egocentric, egotistical, narcissitical, fat headed, self centerted

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How can you use the word egocentric in a sentence?

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