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You can tell by:

1) Kisses you and hugs you passionately

2) Tells you how much he cares about you

3) Cares about your feelings

4) Will be there for you when you need help and comfort

5) Talks to you about things that are important to you

6) Doesn't take you for granted

7) Respects your boundries

8) Appreciates your opinions

9) Looks into your eyes

10) Takes you on special trips

11) Going out on a date

12) Tells you how beautiful you are

13) Tells you honest things about you

14) Likes you for who you are!

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14y ago
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13y ago

You can tell if a boy likes you by the way he acts around you. If you are just sitting somewhere and he comes and sits by you then you know he likes you. If he puts his arm around you or hugs you or if he is always like "hey, do you like me?" that means he likes you too.

He will always talk to you, alone where possible, and try to hang out with you as much as he can. Furtive or subtle looks at you followed by his suddenly looking away, especially if you catch him doing it, are also a good sign.

and if he is talking to somebody but always sometimes in the middle of the sentence he looks at you even though he is not talking about you that's another way. if he is always giving you a sign or something like a wink that kinds of mean that he likes you

One sign, for younger boys, is they will actually be mean to you. This is most likely because they don't want you or anyone else to find out. Yes, this is sad, but true.

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14y ago

you never really know for sure, but if he seems to be talking to you a lot and touching you like your hands, hair, face, ect. a lot then he may be interested. also if he gazes into your eyes a lot and texts you a lot/talks to you.

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13y ago

If he keeps constantly commenting on you he is just tryna get you into the bed.But if he is just talking and making you laugh he tryna let you know that when you are mad or feeling down he can cheer you up.thats one reason.and another one is when he hears something about you he doesn't accuse you of anything he comes and ask you and believe you because if you don't have trust you don't have nothing.Thats how I feel about it.

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How do you tell if he really likes you?

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How do you know if he really likes you back?

You should ask him straight up if he likes you. Tell him how you feel.

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Ask him.

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You ask. Really is it that hard?

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You can tell if a girl likes you if she talks to you alot. she might also be really nice to you (for no reason at all.) Hope that helps

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just tell her that you dont really like her in the way she likes you nicely or you will hurt her feelings.

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when no 1 is arround tell her you like her and then ask her if she likes you

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Really you can't tell, you have to ask him.

If a girl likes you how do you know?

A girl likes you when they start to really flirt and get all giddy with can really tell in a girls eyes, smile, and laugh when they like you

How can you tell if a boy really REALLY likes you?

You can tell if a boy likes u if he smiles a lot every time u walk by ( it happened to me) But you boys never tell u so ask them and if they say a long no! tHAT MAENS HE LIKE u

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Well I'm supposing that you are a boy because you said that you liked her but if you like her and don't want to her crush that she likes him then you could politely tell her that she can tell him herself or tell her how you really feel about her.