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This guy you are having trouble with has issues with himself. If he is playing you, most likely he is playin other girls, this doesn't mean he doesn't like you but he lacks the confidence to commit to one girl. I would suggest forgetting about this guy because if you would go out with him, he would most likely cheat on you since he's a "player".

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Q: How can you tell if aboy likes you when he's always playing with you?
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maybe he's just trying to make his girlfriend jelous.or he likes you alot.or he could just like you as a friend if i was you i would tell his girlfriend!

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it depends on what type of guy he is. can sometimes tell he likes you if he's continually messing with you ,when you tell him to stop. can tell he likes you if he keeps trying to talk to you but doesn't know what to say. can tell he likes you if he's always following you.

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if he is always messing around with you such as he is always joking with you

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The only and best way to know for sure is always asking. Otherwise eye contact and smiling can tell much.

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What he says and how he looks at you. If he always pays attention to you and smiles a lot, then he likes you.

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If he always stares at you and sits around you. If you like him bach ask him if he likes you before you tell him just in case he does not like you

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