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If he has beeen talking to u a lot and flirting with yai think u got a bf also if he keeps talking to ur m8s and then they come over to u he was talking about u hold on girl ur probably still really young im 11 and never had bf they come out of the blue believe me I am 13 and I have never ever had a boyfriend

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14y ago

That can't be answered. The answer is in your BF's mind. No one can answer that but your bf

but...... if you dont like that answer u can see if he beats the test what u can do is ask what he/she like the most about you the if you injoy or like the answer and ahree then say if you had to make a decision me or you friends who would u pick and he says you then go would u die 4 me and if he/she answers all them questions well then i think that person is in love but just in case ask him if he really loves you with all of his heart

then kiss and live happly every after

if not that person is no way good enough 4 u :)

i hope it works out

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12y ago

To know if your boyfriend love you truly,you should test your boyfriend... you should not text him or call him by your number or a number that he know,you should contact him by a number that he doesn't know and ypur mobile should be switch off...

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Q: How can you tell if a guy really is in love with you because your boyfriend says he loves you but sometimes you don't know if he really does?
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Ask him, if he really loves you, he probably will.

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If he already left you, the answer is no.

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Well to really tell that he loves you is if he says it!

I am 17 me and my boyfriend have been dating for 2 month's and a half he says i love you but how do i no if he really loves me?

He believes on you, he have a faith on you and he trusts you. Everything you say she will do it because he loves you and he believes on you.