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Well you'll have to find out by flirting a bit. If you're good friends with this guy then if anyone acuses you of flirting you can just say you were fooling around with him but if you don't know him so well then just talk to him. You could also get your BFF to play truth or dare with him and if he picks truth then ask him his top 5 crushes.

Seriously?? My best friend has that exact same situation. For the most part, the stay friends like they are now, just a bit over the top. Over laughing, trying to figure what he likes just to bring it up in convps. Get into his interests. Then, you're set. But for the most part, my friend tries not to get serious because I have a thing for him, too.

he probably does like you if you like him to ask him out its worth the chance GOOD LUCK

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Q: How can you tell if a guy likes you in sixth grade I've known this guy since 3rd grade and now in sixth grade he is always smiling at me and making me laugh like a goof Does he like me?
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