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You really can't but if you are interested in this person there is no sense waiting around you could always ask him. Or you could even give him your number and say give me a call if you want to go out sometime.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Well they ussally stare at u for like two seconds or if u like accedently bump into him he looks you up and down i know it sounds a bit weird but thats just how they are oh and boys lie! girls go for guys with what they hear boys go for girls with what they see so girls have to wear a lot of make up not to much ortherwise BIG MESS!

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13y ago

All guys are different some guys will act all nervous around you and say random things to you, other will avoid you trying to find the best time to ask you. Other guys will walk up to you and ask you but only if you are alone (don't have friends around). But guys are nervous that you will say no. I say just ask him yourself if you cant ask him how will he have the gust to ask you. You only have one chance in high school, so ask.

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Hmm.. ask him. =]

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Well the only way you can tell if he is going out with some1 he would be out late at night.And he would act all wired or just ask him

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Get that guy's best friend to tell that guy that you like him, and to ask you out.

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Ask her. Or ask to look

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Tell him to ask you out. Worked for me!

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Just ask, many guys like it when you ask, instead of going around to everyone else.

How do you tell if a guy like a you?

Ask him

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when that happened to me i asked one of his friends to ask him who he like's and is going out with tell him to ask the guy u like who he's likes then tell the guy u hav ask this guy u like who is he going out with or u could just say hey i like u but i don't no if u like me or her more i need to no if he don't answer just beg him

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Ask him if he's going to commit to you, be honest and just ask.