

Best Answer

1st: Do not yell at him, it will only make things worse

2nd: Calmly tell him and discus what it is that bothers you

3rd: If he continues the behavior notify him

4th: If he refuses to stop then he's not the one for you

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Q: How can you talk to a guy and be able to tell him that you are uncomfortable and jealous with the way he talks to other women?
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DON'T SHOW JEALOUSY!!! that's exactly what he's trying to see is if you get jealous easily

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By flirting with other people.

Should you tell a girl you like that you are jealous?

Not unless you're with the guy. If you're in a relationship with him I think it's fine if you tell him that you're jealous about the fact that he talks to other women etc. But if he's not yours never tell a guy you're jealous because he's going to think you're into him and would do much worse things to make you more jealous and that just ain't good. (=

Why is Hera jealous of Zeus?

She was only jealous of the ones that Zeus had had with other women because they meant that Zeus had cheated on her, because she was his wife

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To make u jealous

Does that mean the guy you like is jealous if he first stares then comes from the other side of the room and talks to the guy friend youre arguing with and looks at you?

yes, it is a good sign that he is. but it could also mean he is a really nice guy that doesn't like other men arguing with women.

What Hera personality?

She was jealous of Zeus' love for other women She would heartlessly torture women that Zeus had affairs with.

Why was Hera so jealous of Zeus?

Because he had so many affairs with other women.

Why was the goddesss hera jealous?

Her husband, Zeus, had many lovers and offspring with other women.

Why was Hera the greek god jealous?

she was jealous because zues had affairs with other women even though he was married to hera. Or, to be more specific, Hera was the goddess of marriage. So, naturally, she never had affairs with any other men. However, her husband, Zeus, had many affairs with other women, and had children with them. That's why Hera was known as a jealous goddess.