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Fortunately, he does not have to agree nor consent to the divorce. You can file for divorce on your own. However, planning for the eventuality that he will not be happy would be wise. You should make certain you hire a good lawyer who specializes in family law in your area. You should brief him on your husband's behavior but stick to the helpful facts, don't dwell on it and don't whine about it. Just get your divorce and the best separation agreement possible.

Following are some suggestions about how to deal with a narcissist. Perhaps they will help you in your future dealings with him.

First, you should read up on the disorder. There are dozens of good websites sponsored by well known hospitals and other respected institutions that sponsor web pages devoted to Narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissistic behavior is predictable. If you have a good understanding of narcissism you will have the tools to deal with it more constructively. Here are a few pointers:

  • Keep your distance- don't get too close and do not let them into your personal life. Do not share any personal information to the extent possible.
  • Be practical about the disorder- you won't change them so step back whenever their narcissistic behavior rises to the surface.
  • Avoid conflict generally, but
  • Define some limits- in some cases by not responding to inappropriate behavior you reinforce it- for example: if you must have continued exposure to the narcissist do not allow him/her to "tell you off", raise their voice at you, or treat you with disrespect.
  • Do not try to argue or reason with them- your winning or convincing is counter to their world view- they will not allow it.
  • Gain more understanding to enable you to work as constructively as possible.
  • Maintain your own social contacts so that you can minimize the time you have to spend with the narcissist.

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There are lots of ways to end a relationship if that is what you want. It would be easier and more honest to end it yourself. Most relationships end because one or both parties are no longer willing to work at it or when one partner causes the other more pain than they are able or willing to forgive. So, if you really want to make him leave you it will take enough prolonged meanness on your part to make him give up and go; or one big act so hurtful he can't or won't forgive it. While you're still in the planning stage, remember that we all reap what we sow.

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Q: How can you make your narcissistic husband want to leave you?
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