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You cant "make" him, but you can try to encourage it by letting him know that he wouldn't be rejected. There are two approaches,

1.Just say it, explain you like him and tell him how you feel.


2.Be subtle and drop hints, try to get into a situation where it would be more likely to happen.

It may be because he isn't confident about it so try to be patient.

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Q: How can you make your frigid boyfriend kiss you?
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just flash him a couple of times and he will (or if your really desperate streak in front of his house)

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You kiss HIM.

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Kiss him. Yeah.

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no they just dont wanna kiss before sex

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A way that you can kiss your boyfriend and make it very special to him is by saving your kisses for him by not kissing every boyfriend you have, if you are don't kiss many guys at all then when do kiss that one or those very few then he will have something to be proud of.

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Get on your boyfriend in front of her. (to 'Get on' somebody is to kiss them)

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you kiss him if you want to

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The easiest thing to do is just ask.

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You must make lip contact.

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Just do it. Make sure he's actually your boyfriend though

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Walk right up and kiss them in the face.

What will you do when your boyfriend is sleeping?

Kiss Him N When He Wakes Up Just Make Out With Him!!!