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Q: How can you make a boy named jack like me?
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Does store and door rhyme?

Yes it does. like if you had a poem that said there once was a boy named jack that wonted a snack he ran to the store and at the door he fell and that is what happend to jack.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy but what does all play and no work make Jack?

All work and no play may make Jack a dull boy, but all play and and no work makes jack go broke - Jack is like a piece of flotsam in a sea of debt heading towards the rocks of financial inhalation.

Does Ian kinsler have kids?

Yes, he has 2. A little girl named Riann (2) and a little boy named Jack (?)

What is the boy's name in titanic?

The boy who died in the Titanic is named Jack. You can tell by looking up the movie and imdb for evidence.

What pet names do you use for a boy?

In Webkinz World, I have a boy Cocker Spaniel which I named Shaggy, a boy Pinto named Patches, a boy hedgehog named Roly-Poly, and a boy Buffillo named Stampede. And if I had a monkey I would make it a boy named Bannannas.

What if your dad doesn't play?

If he's also named Jack, then he's a dull boy.

Did Miranda Cosgrove meet a boy named Jack Pilarz?

she probably did but i know it not telling! =)

All work and no play makes?

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

Who does Ralph take on the expedition with him in lord of the Flies?

Ralph takes Simon and Jack along with him on the expedition.

Which boy has jack orderd to be tied and beaten?

Jack orders the boy named Wilfred to be tied up and beaten. Wilfred had disobeyed Jack's orders and refused to do his assigned task.

Does this boy named brian like you?

Yes.He does.

Do yu like boys?

I like a boy named toby