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Uhhh......well you shouldn't cheat on someone in the first place. If you don't like them enough to cheat on them, get out of the relationship. He will get over it on his own or he won't. You did it to him. You can't expect to fix him.

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13y ago
  • While there are no excuses for cheating 'to err is human.' When you cheat on someone you are suppose to love it hurts them deeply and you have not only lost their respect, but also that precious bond of trust. Communication is the key to a good relationship so if you are sure you love him then have a private discussion and express what you were feeling when you cheated and if you really mean it then tell him you were wrong; made a mistake and learned from it and ask for his forgiveness. If he does forgive you then be sure you have the patience to wait until you can prove to him he can once again trust you and it will not be easy to get back that bond of trust. If it ever enters your mind again to cheat realize what you have to lose and you will be the loser in the end. If you feel your relationship is over then have the fortitude to be honest with your boyfriend instead of cheating.
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Q: How can you help your boyfriend get over you cheating on him?
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How can you get over your cheating boyfriend?

Love hurts for especially the young where there are on and off relationships. It is important for you to realize (keep your self confidence) that he cheated because he feels like a kid in a candy shop and thought he could still be with you while cheating. Cheaters are immature; self absorbed and your boyfriend will probably cheat on the girl he is cheating with now. Cheaters will hang themselves with their own rope. Don't sit around and mope over your cheating boyfriend and realize you are loving; loyal and deserve better than him. Get out with friends; date again and you will soon find someone much better than your cheating ex boyfriend.

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