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unless the person is willing to and desiring to change or at least improve you must LEAVE, and to everyone: the sooner you end it the less severe poast-breakup blues will be. as soon as you notice he or she treats you bad, drop em. unfortunately for some people their partners dont show true colors until after marriage or after a long while. The best way to end this type of relationship is to leave. He/she will most likely never change. All you can be responsible for is your own happiness. Take control away from the abuser and take control of your own life! Get help from a trained professional if necessary. How does one end any relationship, abusive or not? By leaving the other party (in this case, the abuser). Lots of tips here: The verbally abusive partner is trying to control you with fear. Verbal abuse in many relationships is only the beginning and physical abuse will become part of the process also. The verbal abuse is supposed to weaken you by causing fear, shock, numbness, and making you keep busy doing things to keep the verbal abuse from happening. Your abuser becomes the object of an obsessive desire to 'stay safe' in the relationship. This can form a dependency where without this constant object of your thoughts and actions you feel lost. You can't stay but you can't leave either. Maybe tomorrow it will get better. Start by making a written list of the things that are said to verbally abuse you. That is a type of taking back control. Then write how you feel and where you feel it when you read the list. Then take the list to a good professional and begin the process of changing yourself in order to leave. Just end all contact.

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12y ago

Honestly it takes a lot of strength but its something you really need to do for yourself. Its not going to get better, it will most likely get worse. You need to stand up for yourself and just walk away from the relationship. It might be hard but you have to no matter how much you care. If it gets bad after you break up & threats start happening call the police. It may seem overboard/crazy but you never know what could happen.

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11y ago

You will do best if you have a strong support system. Let family and close friends know what is going on. You will be surprised at the number of people who know that you are hurting and want to help, but the abuser has most likely kept you away from these people. Family and friends will be more than happy to help you, even those you have not had contact with in some time. And please get counseling! Counseling will help you to sort everything out. Good luck!

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Q: How can you get out of a controlling and verbally abusive relationship?
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Immediately. Reach out to a close friend or relative for help, and leave as soon as you can.

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Your husbands ex is verbally abusive to the kids How do you help them when they visit you?

Keep them away from the father and make an agreement with him not to be verbally abusive to your children

What do guys think of women who are verbally abusive and swear all the time?

That's they aren't good for a relationship and certainly not good for a child

Are there books and videos available for verbally abusive men who want to change?

* The best way for an abused man to move on from a verbally abusive relationship is to seek counseling. Just like women, men may have lost their self respect; feel demeaned and ashamed (they are suppose to be the stronger sex) and he needs to find out why he stayed so long in the abusive relationship. Without proper counseling just like women, men can choose another abusive partner in the future and don't have the tools to tell when rag flags go up that the person they are with is controlling at best and the worst .. verbally or even physically abusive. Men have been brought up to not hit women, so it is very often hard for the man to make sense as to why he put up with the abuse for so long. Men can be victims of abuse too and they should not blame themselves.

My husband is verbally abusive?

If your husband is verbally and emotionally abusive, you can break the negative cycle by seeking the services of a family counselor or filing for divorce.

How bad is it for a guy to control you?

Bad or good, it is better for a relationship if there is a partnership where kindness and interest in supporting each other's growth. Controlling behavior can deteriorate into verbal and physical abuse in time, and so it is seen as a red flag that you should get out of the relationship. You cannot ever measure up to the person's expectations. A good book to read on this is the Verbally Abusive Relationship by Patricia Evans.

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Yes, unless he has been through counseling or therapy.

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We can not say we have not met her.