I'm not sure if you can find someone with your exact personality, but Im sure you can find someone that shares some if not all interests with you, and can understand you from any point of view.
How can I find the number of shares for Coca-Cola Company? How can I find the value of shares for Coca-Cola Company? How can I find the total portfolio value for Coca-Cola Company?
There are many places where one can find information on buying and selling shares. One can find information on buying and selling shares at popular on the web sources such as Scott Trade and Money Smart.
Someone wanting to find a personality test can find one easily online. Online sites such as humanmetrics, quizbox and personalitylab all have personality tests a person can take.
You can not
There are numerous financial sites where one can find information on investing in shares. One can find such information on sites like 'Forbes', 'About' and 'MoneySmart'.
You can not get two xp shares in Pokémon Diamond (that I know of). You can trade exp shares from other Pokémon games to your Pokémon Diamond Version. That is what I did.
In the neocortex.
An individual who is looking for the latest price for anz shares can find it by looking on the actual anz website, or on other websites such as Shareholders.
how to tell how many shares a person has in next
Shares are held two ways. A brokerage firm can hold them, or in certificate form. You have to find out where they are.
A starting trader would go for trading shares by visiting companies that deal with trading shares. Companies, such as cityindex, onetwotrade and others to find out information on how a trader, who is just starting should get trading shares.