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Sweetie why don't you ask him. Or if the two of you has a joining account you can go to your bank if he have another account that you don't know about. As long as you are with your husband account you can ask the bank for that information..

If he has accounts at other banks , or in other states , it's not that easy. Keep an eye on the mail, check Income tax Returns, and if you feel sure ,get some legal advice.

No bank in the US is going to give you any information on any account that does not have your name on it. And they can not legally tell you if your husband has any accounts with that bank unless your name is on those accounts as well..

There are laws governing what is considered marital property which does include some finances,however if the money your husband is hiding came totally from his own income alone then some states do not consider such savings as marital property unless there is a pending divorce or back child support issue.

If your husband is hiding money he may have also been smart enough not to put it into a bank where it can be traced by a paper trail such as bank statements,deposits ect ect..a more secure and private way would be a safe deposit box or other secretive means.....

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Q: How can you find out if your husband is hiding money from you?
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The above information is very useful, just send h a mail or text him in the above number Thank me later

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