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It's as simple as counting.

Get out of your comfort zone. If your having trouble with this step then do something that your not comfortable with like enter the talent show. That should do it.

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Q: How can you find friends at age 13?
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Is it about age to be friends with Justin Bieber?

No because he is also friends with Christian Beadles who is 13.

What can a 13 year old boy with no friends do?

find a friends,or just be on his on and do what he is soposto do.

Will your friends hate you if you make out under 13?

No, I don't think your friends will hate you if you make out under 13 but at the same time why would you need to make out under the age if 13?

What age should you be able to hang out with friends alone?

hmmm , i guess 13.

The girl you like is 13 and your 16 your mom already told you to forget about it because of the age difference what should you do?

Be wise and listen to your mom. a 13 year old is to young and could bring you unneeded troubles. be friends and find someone your own age. mothers are very wise

What age should I be allowed to go shopping with my friends I'm 13 and the shopping place is only down the road all my other friends are going?

If you're with group of friends, you should be just fine at the age you're at now.

Will a boy at the age of 13 like a girl the age of 12?

It is possible. Just be yourself and enjoy hanging out as friends! That's most important.

How many close friends should you have at age 11?

well i am 12 nearly 13 and i have 6 really close friends but u can have as many as you want

If your a female at age of 13 and your 5'2 are you tall or short for you age?

idk, but im 13 yr. old n 5'2 also but most of my friends are like around 5'6 so I'm short to them...

Where can you get a job at the age 13?

Ive been trying to find out that answer too......

Where can i a teenager find a boy friend at the age of 13?

At school or the mall.

Is it normal for a labrador to live for 13 years?

there longest is 15 because my friends black lab died at that age